Annual General Meeting
2024 AGM Recap
Thank you to everyone who attended our 2024 Annual General Meeting.
Below are some highlights from the meeting:
Doors opened at 6:30pm for attendees to register and engage with us on what makes Acadia great and what people want to see out of the ACA and for Acadia in the future.
Vice President Keith Simmons called the formal portion of the meeting to order at 7:08pm. He welcomed everyone and conducted the land acknowledgement.
Keith Simmons introduced the current board, committee chairs and ARC staff. He continued with providing some highlights of the 2023/2024 fiscal year which include:
the success of the inaugural year of the ACA grassroots soccer program - 98 players registered
creation of a free youth drop-in night that received a lot of great feedback
opened the Social Lounge from 9am - 4pm for free community drop-in use. This is available year-round.
once again, increased ACA membership numbers substantially
secured a grant to install a traffic calming project on 90th Ave/Acadia Drive
updated and renewed sub-license agreements and facility fees, ensuring fiscal responsibility
completed a 5-year strategic plan, spanning 2024 - 2029
Nancy Murdoch, CPA from The Federation of Calgary Communities presented the audited financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2024. Membership approved the audited financial statements as presented.
Members supported the motion to re-appoint an auditor from The Federation of Calgary Communities for the 2024/2025 fiscal year.
Treasurer Adam Klimczak presented the ACA’s 2024/2025 budget, which was subsequently approved by membership. Some notable highlights include:
reduction of fees due to moving bank accounts to a different provider
significant increase in interest income
intent to proceed with a project to amalgamate the ACA and ARC websites into one site to eliminate user confusion on programs/events offerings and community news sources
intent to proceed with a feasibility study for the Social Lounge to enable accessibility and broaden patronage year-round
Director and ARC Committee Chair Greg MacQuarrie presented the Acadia Recreation Complex (ARC) report. Some highlights include:
incoming Executive Director role
reporting a positive net operating income for the fiscal year
new Recreations Coordinator role created to develop more variety in program offerings and bring more programming in-house
Social Lounge and Frankie’s Concession hours open year-round with consistent hours
expanded community skate times to provide more recreational access to ice time for different age groups
The following directors were elected for a 2-year term:
Vice President - Minh Badau
Treasurer - Shanon Crews
Director, ARC Committee Chair - Greg MacQuarrie
Director, Traffic Safety Committee Chair - Chris Kalyn
Director at Large - Adam Klimczak
Director at Large - Brent Harding
Director, Youth Coordinator - Kris Dass
The official part of the meeting concluded at 8:06pm.
Meeting attendees were encouraged to stay for a networking reception.